Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad: Sailing Pakistan through Choppy Waters
Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad was initiated with an aim to ensure enduring peace in the country by tackling threat of terrorism in all its manifestations from length and breadth of the country. To root out terrorism, Army and the Nation has paid enormous sacrifices (more than 80,000 causalities and over 150 Bn USD loss to economy). Post 9/11 scenario proved to be an imbroglio for Pakistan. The successive governments found themselves in an untenable situation against the waves of terrorist activities across the country. At that time the only hope for Pakistan was its Armed Forces which could take on the gigantic task of tackling terrorism. With the foundations set through operations Rahe Rast, Rahe Nijat, Almeezan, The concerted strike against the terrorist elements started with operation Zarb-e-Azb and it got a decisive boost with operation Radd-ul-Fasaad launched under command incumbent COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa.
In order to eliminate the “residual / latent threat of terrorism”, consolidating the gains made in other military operations and further ensuring the security of Pakistan’s borders; Pakistan Army continue to render sacrifices while undertaking Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad that was launched in February 2017. The Army’s contributions under the operation include playing a critical role in implementation of National Action Plan, mainstreaming of erstwhile FATA and controlling extremism by taking part in the government’s reforms.
During Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad, the total combing Operations/ IBOs were 222,836 (all over the country). 72,364 weapons were recovered while 5.029 million pieces of ammunition was recovered. In pursuit of creating a secure environment, the Army has suffered 24,530 casualties in NMDs since 2001 including 5,460 Shaheed and 19,070 injured. Whereas, since 2017, 291 Shaheed and 647 all ranks have been wounded in Balochistan alone.
It was through trust of the nation and professionalism of the Armed Forces, that Pakistan successfully defeated the menace of terrorism. Pakistan’s war against terrorism and the improvement in the overall internal security paradigm are success stories which created a safe environment for foreign investments and visit of foreign dignitaries. Undoubtedly, a safe and secure environment provides confidence to investors and also boosts the tourism industry.
The Operation’s success was massive as it helped Pakistan to diminish every Indian attempt of isolating Pakistan internationally. It helped in the resumption of International cricket that brought international tourists that resulted in restoring the image of the country. The space for any terrorist elements and direct foreign support in the country was squeezed and the frequency & intensity of the terrorist attacks were significantly lowered. Due to improved internal security situation and depleted capacity of terrorists to mount major attacks, Pakistan has restored its image in the comity of nations. Successful conduct of various international events such as OIC Extraordinary Session of Foreign Ministers on Afghanistan and 48th Session of Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC, Islamabad Security Dialogue, many high profile visits of heads of state and full restoration of international sports and cultural activities is a testament to improved security situation in the country and speak of dividends that operation Radd-ul-Fasaad has been able to deliver for the people of Pakistan.